New research demonstrates power of NPMS plots for climate change impact monitoring

Submitted by olipescott on

The accumulation of hundreds of National Plant Monitoring Scheme plots across the UK, Isle of Man, and the Channel Islands is an incredible resource for climate change researchers, and a new paper out today in the Journal of Applied Ecology attempts to quantify this for the first time.


Introducing a new member of the NPMS support team

Submitted by NPMSSupport on

We're really excited to introduce a new member of our support team, Karen Fisher who has recently joined as Volunteer Support Officer. Karen joins us with a wealth of experience supporting volunteers and has great ideas for expanding our volunteer community.










NPMS volunteer coordinator in Northern Ireland: Emma Mulholland

Submitted by NPMSSupport on

 At the start of Autumn 2023, the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA) appointed a new Scientific Officer who will oversee the National Plant Monitoring Scheme (NPMS) in Northern Ireland; Emma Mulholland.  Read our conversation and welcome Emma to the scheme!


Emma out in the wilderness, plant hunting. Photo credit: Clare McKinney
