Event detailsMap and location details Click here to download a file containing full details of this event (PDF files can be read using Adobe Acrobat Reader): Event name: * Event date: Details Event description:<p><span ><span> Nature journaling is the act of creatively recording your relationship with nature. It applies a combination of writing, drawing, and naturalist skills to produce a record of your time outdoors. In this interactive Zoom workshop, nature journaling educator and artist Alex Boon will take you through his process, sharing his nature journals and demonstrating techniques. Using Alex’s video footage from the coast path in Devon, plus your own samples, you will then try your hand at nature journaling. There will be time for discussion, sharing and questions before the end of the session. A prompt sheet of ideas for nature journaling will be provided for you to print out and take into the field. A useful practice for getting to know your NPMS square and survey plots. Register to receive your joining email and information ahead of the session.</span></span></p> <p><span ><span><strong>Time: </strong>18:00 - 20:00</span></span></p> <p><span><span><strong>Join: </strong>This is an online workshop via Zoom video call. You do not need a Zoom account to join, just a computer/laptop, tablet or mobile device connected to the internet. Registered participants simply follow the link and joining instructions sent ahead of the meeting.</span></span></p> <p><span><span><strong>Trainer: </strong> Alex Boon, journaling educator and artist. </span></span></p> Grid Reference: * British National GridIrish GridWGS84 (decimal lat,long)sref:utm30wgs84 You cannot edit this location because you do not own it.Loading...